Sunday, June 29, 2008

week 2 component b

component b choose any museum in California

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SF MOMA):
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is the world's most innovative museums of modern and contemporary art; SFMOMA has had an active Web presence for ten years. They offer a virtual museum experience right from your computer. There are many enhancements, visuals and information they offer on their site. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art connects to my studies of humanities because it offers a collection of artwork that involves culture, history, and people who directly correlates to humanities. Artwork and the artwork in museums is great tool to use when studying humanities.
I choose the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art because it is one of my art museums in California that I have visited before. From visiting the museum in person and online it has opened my mind to numerous artists, styles of art, and new technique that artists are using today. Modern art is on of my favorite types of art to view because it’s very clear and simple. Still, there are a lot of original and creative pieces of modern art that I saw at my last visit to the museum.
The SF MOMA features many exhibits and has had many special exhibits or certain holidays or events which is something that I enjoy visiting and exploring those. This is the first museum that I have visited that notifies you when a new exhibit will be displayed for the public. Currently, there is a Frida Kahlo, Elise S. Haas, A Rooftop Garden, Matisse, and picturing modernity exhibits.
I would like to know more about how the museum goes about choosing their exhibits. This assignment has made want to go back to the MONA and see how much it has changed since I was there last. And find more connections to my study of humanities while I am there. I feel that art is very important aspect of everyone’s lives. I think art inspires artists to make more art and those who are not artists to be more creative in their desired skill. Art makes you wonder why the artist used that color or texture and open your mind to new ideas and ways of creating an original piece of art work.

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